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Click SWF to play the example. Right-click (or Control-click/Mac) FLA to download the file and see the Timeline, etc. > Case Study 1: A Draggable Floating Window Click any of the three buttons in the SWF to open the window; the text and image shown in the window will change depending on which button you click. Note: The text file is essential to both the SWF and the FLA. You will see an error message if you do not have it in the same folder. > Case Study 2: Dynamic Borders, Text Fields Original slideshow from Lesson 10 :: SWF :: FLA Note: The Case Study 2 slideshow files all use the same seven JPGs and caption file. Those files can be viewed (and downloaded) individually here. > Case Study 3: A Controller Bar Animation inside a movie clip (everything in one file) :: SWF :: FLA The next two files work together: > Case Study 4: Photos That Fill the Screen The techniques used include JavaScript on two HTML pages. To see the script used, download the pages and View Source in your Web browser. To see how the whole package works, just click to open the first page :: index.htm Note: Each FLA is 2 MB because of the embedded BMP image! Note also that the SWFs open at actual size, which is 790 x 558, if you open them on their own. But they will resize to fit your screen if you open the HTML page. > Case Study 5: Coming soon. > Case Study 6: Refreshing Live Data There are numerous files (both SWFs and text files) in this example, to simulate (in a simple way) the techniques described in the Tech Tip for this case study. While the real application uses text files that are generated by a database and "pushed" to multiple servers, these example text files are just stand-alone text files that you can change in any editor program. Download only SWFs, text files, and instructions (PDF) :: Win / Mac Bonus (Case Study 6) / setInterval demonstration :: SWF :: FLA Download all files for all case studies
(requires Flash MX or later)
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