downloads - appendix B

Click SWF to play the example. Right-click (or Control-click/Mac) FLA to download the file and see the Timeline, etc.

The appendix explains two methods for loading one SWF into another one. This is a standard way to display content in Flash movies, because it keeps the initial download small and spares the users from loading content they don't want to see anyway.

The two methods are loadMovie (which puts the loaded SWF into an empty movie clip) and loadMovieNum (which puts the loaded SWF into a level).

> loadMovie / use an empty movie clip

> loadMovieNum / use levels

Those two files are very similar, but the method used in each one produces a different result.

Each of those two files (above) loads these three external SWFs:

(1) first.swf (2) second.swf (3) third.swf

Be sure to open them and see what they look like when they stand alone. You may be surprised.

While these three are just goofy little movies without any real substance, they could just as easily be entire videos, interactive games, information sections, animated diagrams -- anything an SWF can be.

Download all files for this appendix (requires Flash MX or later):
> Windows (.zip) 101 KB
> Mac (.sit) 76 KB